Community Beekeepers

Hudson Gardens provides opportunities to practice the craft of beekeeping in a community apiary setting. Each year, both new and experienced beekeepers are invited to apply to this program.

Interested in becoming a beekeeper at Hudson Gardens? Contact Dakota Taylor at

The Benefits of Beekeeping at Hudson Gardens

The Hudson Gardens’ Community Apiary exists to raise awareness about honeybees and gain support for their conservation. The beehives are maintained by individual beekeepers who apply for the program on an annual basis. The benefits of joining the program include:

  • A beautiful setting with an abundance of diverse nectar sources.
  • Access to a community of beekeepers who can answer questions and assist with conducting hive assessments.
  • Participation in apiary mentorship sessions.
  • Opportunities to engage with the public and promote beekeeping.

All Hudson Gardens Beekeepers must agree to the following:

  • Use of natural, integrated pest management methods that are minimally invasive, chemical-free, and non-toxic.
  • Participation in educational outreach activities on behalf of Hudson Gardens.
  • Non-commercial usage of honey and other products derived from the hive at Hudson Gardens.
  • Adequate experience or participation in Hudson Gardens beekeeping classes.
  • Adherence to the City of Littleton Beekeeping Ordinance (PDF).

Check back soon for updates about our schedule of beekeeping classes.

Meet the Beekeeper

Installing Your Honeybees and Hive Setup

Mar 12

Beekeeping Resources